Babaji Speaks
Babaji Speaks
The Kumaon region in India lies at the foot of the Himalayas. It is the birth place and abode of several of India’s greatest saints. It was here that the HAIDAKHAN WALE BABA resided, and instantly stated that He was the Shiva Mahavatar Babaji, referred to in the book AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A YOGI by Paramahansa Yogananda. As a Maha Avatar, Babaji has continually manifested on earth in a divine body since the beginning of creation. |
One such manifestation of Babaji recorded in a number of books and witnessed by many local people, was sometime in the year 1800. He is remembered by several people even today. At the time, Babaji travelled extensively in the Kumaon region, gathering around him several devotees and disciples. Several unusual events such as changing His form, appearing simultaneously in different places and miraculous incidents of healing the sick and dying have been recorded. Seating Himself on the surface of the water at the confluence of the Rivers Kali and Gori, and disappearing in a ball of light, He dematerialised this form in 1922. This event too was witnessed by several devotees. Several Tibetan lamas, who came to visit Him, recognised Him as Lama Baba who had lived in Tibet centuries ago. There are tales of his appearances in Nepal also. |
Babaji appeared in 1970 in the historic holy cave situated at the foot of Kumaon Mount Adi Kailash at Haidakhan (a small village in the region). He materialised as a youth of eighteen or twenty years. His divine power was experienced by several people who saw Him simultaneously in different guises at different places. In September of that year, He further exhibited His yogic powers when he ascended Mount Kailash, and sat on the summit for forty five days without food or sleep. Babaji spent most of this manifestation of fourteen years (1970-84) at Haidakhan where He established a beautiful spiritual ashram (abode) and built nine temples on the bank of the River Gautami Ganga. The Haidakhan area and the Kumaon Mount Kailash have for centuries been spiritually graced with the power of Lord Shiva’s tapasya (penance). The main temple at Haidakhan was constructed by the old Haidakhan Baba Himself. Babaji built several other temples and ashrams within India. Below Ranikhet, at a small village called Chilianaula, overlooking the snow-peaked Himalayas, He constructed a large and beautiful temple and ashram. |
Thousands of disciples from various countries continue to receive Babaji’s blessings by being mystically inspired to come to the spiritual path through extraordinary events, dreams and visions. Many spiritual centres dedicated to Babaji have been established the world over. He had proclaimed that He had come to revive the eternal religion - The Sanatan Dharma - and to reform the very mentality of man, laying stress on three basic precepts of Dharma (inherent quality): TRUTH, SIMPLICITY and LOVE. He predicted that mankind was in danger during the period of Kali Yuga (the dark age) due to a steep rise in materialism and decline in spiritual values. He also predicted widespread physical destruction, revolution and change in this century. He said that only those who sincerely worship God, repeating His name and living in harmony, truth and love, would survive. “God’s name is more powerful than any atomic bomb,” He said. He promised a new world, a new age, a new religious kingdom after this destruction. Babaji, as the manifestation of Lord Shiva, emphasised constant repetition of the Maha Mantra (the greatest Divine utterance) OM NAMAH SHIVAY (I bow to Lord Shiva) to enable man to be constantly focused on the Almighty. Constant repetition (japa) of the Mantra leads to increase of faith and devotion. Babaji’s subtle presence continuously guides and inspires devotees to spread His eternal teachings far and wide, thereby touching every heart with His Divinity. |
Babaji emphasised selfless service to humanity as the highest form of Karma Yoga. He said that to serve selflessly was the highest form of humanity. He emphasised equal respect and recognition to all religions. Babaji continues to bestow His love, blessings and Grace on one and all alike, irrespective of caste, creed, status, culture or nationality. Babaji gave up His physical body on February 14, 1984. He had come to give a message to the world. Having embodied His teachings, and completed His mission, He left. Inscribed on a stone leading up the steps to the Haidakhan Temple is His last message: “I AM ALWAYS WITH YOU.” |
BABAJI 1991-1993
Babaji had an eighteen month
He called only a handful of devotees who knew him in
Haidakhan, but he served and healed many of his other devotees
on the phone, by mail, and called some of them to him during
this time. It was a beautiful divine leela.
He wrote and published this book. It should be published as a true spiritual revolution printed by donations and given away freely.
It is indeed a privilege to translate or in any way have contact with this book. Follow his inner guidance and participate in this project.
He printed it with no address to point people directly to Himself. These Words of God deserve their place among the great Scriptures of the World.
Hara means the Eternal Spirit above and beyond the drama.
Hara Press is not a material business. It is o.k. to have fun enlightening yourself and your friends with Babaji’s message!
Haidakhan Babaji is a Great Manifestation of The Divine on earth. He is called The Angel of the Lord in the Bible. He is called Khadin in the Koran.
He is the Supreme Teacher, the Mahavatar.
He appears to many people everyday all over the world. He will appear to you when you are ready. Babaji is the Eternal Father in human form. He is called Babaji of Haidakhan because He lived in the obscure village of Haidakhan for 14 years in this century, from 1970-1984, as a spiritual
He is Lord Shiva and He is also the Divine Mother Who is known by many names.
It has been known that Babaji would come in the time of the world’s destruction as the DESTROYER of all impurities.
And as The LIBERATOR for all the Divine Creation.
Do not follow the way of evil,
Follow the way of Light.
Do not be like those who linger in the world.
Hurry, take up your sword of Divine Truth, And fight
against all evil.
Cast off all negligence and idleness.
Be alert.
Be courageous.
Be diligent.
Be happy.
Live in Truth, Simplicity, and Love.
One who looks upon the world as a bubble or a mirage
shall have life eternal.
Come, look upon this world as the multi-colored
chariot of a Rajah,
Which attracts the foolish, but where, in truth, there
is nothing attractive or beautiful.
This world is wrapped in Darkness
And few are those who find their way.
Few soar up towards “heaven” to freedom like a bird
escaping from a trap.
Remember, nothing can be achieved without
perseverance in your discipline.
And guard against
the enemies of Divine Consciousness for they are
Eliminate your low self-esteem, your ego, your
idleness, your inability to respond to opportunity, your
own denial of your spiritual heritage and your
Eliminate the envy and jealousy of others who distract
you from your purpose.
Eliminate the resistance to necessary changes, the
reluctance to break a pattern of behaviour that
prolongs suffering and the lack of faith in the Divine.
My beloved, rather than ruling the earth, it is better to
enter the upward current into the New Dimension.
I have released the destructive elements to do their
work in this time of Truth.
Those who live in the New Divine Vibration shall be spared.
I told my devotees in Haidakhan before leaving
the physical in 1984 that I had then completed the
FIRST HALF of my (redemption) Work.
I have now returned to perform the second half of that
work and complete the Liberation of this Plane.
Many people have used my name to suit their selfish
and evil purposes. They have distorted what I had said.
They know who they are, and I know who they are.
This time around, only a very few will be called.
Blessed are they who can respond under such
unusual circumstances.
With my Love and Blessings,
Would you, who proclaim you love me, recognize and
love me if I came to you in a different form which you
have not known before?
If you love me, why do you then have doubt and fear
in your heart?
Blessed are they who recognise with their hearts.
I shall help them overcome their fear.
Many people live on the surface of their being, exposed to the touch of external influences. And when they meet some unpleasant being behaving just like the way they behave, they
become extremely upset.
The Problem here arises out of their not being used to
stepping back.
You must always step back into yourself. This means that you
learn to go deep within.
Why allow yourself to be influenced by superficial forces of
the external world?
Even if you are in a hurry to do something, step back for a
You will be surprised how much sooner and easier you can
accomplish your work with greater success.
If someone is angry with you, do not be caught in his/her
vibrations. Simply step back, and his/her anger, finding no
support or feedback, will dissolve.
Always keep your peace within.
Resist all temptations to lose it.
Learn to go within before you speak.
Learn to step back before you make a decision.
All that which belongs to the material world is temporary and
Useless, so there is really nothing worth getting upset about.
That which is lasting, eternal and infinite – is indeed worth
having, striving for, worth attaining.
are worth attaining as are Supreme Peace, Ananda and
mastery over this evil dimension.
Practice INNER PEACE so that when you call on the Divine
and as you await an answer, you will know exactly what to do.
Be wary of those who profess love and loving
relationships yet in their secret domain reveal only
insincerity, greed, egotism, hypocrisy, and the essence
of Darkness.
These often attack, as being negative, anyone
and anything with whom they do not feel comfortable.
Rather than being superficial,
learn to go deeper to find the Truth.
And when you find the Truth,
you must be brave to follow up the necessary action to
defend it.
No matter how foreign or how painful it may seem,
Truth cannot be negative.
Those who do not respect Truth but pretend to uphold
Truth and Love are always quick to attack those who
do respect the Truth.
Those who do not respect the Truth are cowards, liars,
hypocrites and fools.
Often among such people are the workers of
Darkness who mingled in the crowd
under mask and disguises of spiritual seekers,
politicians, scientists, housewives, laborers,
doctors, humanitarians, movie and pop stars, royalty, etc.
I need brave and dedicated warriors
To serve ME in the time of the Maha Kranti
(The great revolution).
Twelve brave, dedicated ones
Are better than twelve million weak,
unreliable people.
If you want to be my warrior,
Then you must not be idle and irresponsible,
Otherwise, you become a burden.
You become the carried rather than the carrier.
You must be ready at any moment
To do any kind of work
That is given to you
And do it willingly
Without the attachment to EGO.
Be not afraid of death,
Nor yearn for it.
The body is nothing,
It is only a shell, a garment.
It is not the real YOU.
Fight for Truth
Non-violence is good as long as it does not make you
a coward.
The greatness of spiritual Truth is not in numbers.
Religions and sects may calculate their greatness by
the numbers of believers and devotees.
But Truth will still be Truth if not a single person
believes it. For Truth does not depend on the approval
or the acceptance of people or this system.
The greatness of spiritual Truth is not in numbers, nor
in the degree of the world’s acceptance nor rejection
of the Truth, nor in its popularity.
Its greatness is in its Truth.
Fight, bravely against all evil and crime.
You must have courage to do the right thing and the
bravery to resist all atrocities and falsehood.
Be watchful lest the attitude of non-violence produce
a lack of discernment between good and evil.
Be a true Divine warrior against evil.
Live in peace and harmony but never at the expense of
Never compromise with evil for this will lead to a
spiritual decline.
Remain detached in the midst
Of an emotional turmoil
So that you are able to see
The process with understanding
And a knowing eye.
The real hindrance to self-surrender to the Divine is
the individual’s love of its limitations.
Total surrender to the Divine is the total giving of
your egotism to become the true individual, the Divine
personality which is not temporary.
It is the EGO which is usually mistaken for SELF.
Universal (cosmic) consciousness,
So dear to those who are supposedly
On the spiritual path,
Is not the Divine Consciousness.
Thus, one may very well share
The cosmic consciousness
Without ever attaining the transcendent Truth,
For the universal movement
Is a mixture of falsehood and Truth.
The Supreme Will is distorted
As it manifests on the physical plane.
Due to impurities in this dimension.
When there is difficulty, depression,
Doubt, worry, insecurity, anger,
Loneliness, sadness, confusion,
Fear, etc., ask the Divine Mother to fill you
With Her Love, Peace, Power, Light and Wisdom.
And thank Her for supporting, sustaining and
Strengthening you.
When negative programming sets in, pray for its
Removal and for Purity.
Be not upset or discouraged
By the malicious and stupid
Attacks of people.
You will not progress far on the Way
If you let yourself be affected
By these malicious and stupid attacks.
Whether people appreciate you or
do not appreciate you
is of absolutely no importance.
The further you are from “ordinary” men and women,
and ordinary living,
the less those people will appreciate you
because they will not understand you.
You are too far removed from their way of life.
But why worry?
Do not think of what you were
But think of what you aspire to be.
You have to fit into the Divine Plan.
The Divine does not have to fit in
With your plans.
Many times the Divine Peace
has been given to you
and as often as you have lost it
because your surrender was
not total and unconditional.
Your ego exerted its presence.
True peace and happiness can only come
from a TOTAL SURRENDER to the Divine.
When humans cling to their desires
as if they were treasures,
and cherish them
as if the objects of their desires
are the most beautiful things in life,
they are DYING
in their bubble of illusion.
Apprehensive for the safety and security
of their illusions,
they bury them
deep down inside themselves.
Concentration on worldly pleasures and desires
leads to decay and spiritual death.
Each acknowledgement of error
assists in the demolition
of one of the Lords of Darkness.
When you sincerely ask for the Truth,
the Truth will be revealed to you,
when the time for its revelation is right.
Resist doing someone else’s work
when the opportunity is given to another,
lest you deprive the other person of his/her chance in
working with an energy prepared for him/her.
Likewise, do not let someone else work in your place
unless it is absolutely necessary, for it would mean you
losing a job intended for you and for which you have
been prepared.
Be patient
So that you are not affected
By the wrong attitude of others.
Practice smiling inwardly daily.
Ignorant fools think they can judge
The higher and noblest things
By evaluating them with their so-called
Scientific method and
Demanding so-called scientific proof.
They deny the most profound experiences
By demanding that the reality of such experiences
Meet their self-imposed criteria
Of their so-called scientific proof.
Fools pass judgement on things of which
They have no real understanding or knowledge
They put on an air superiority to cover their
Ignorance and lack of understanding.
They doubt and attack things
Of which they have never had any knowledge.
They judge in ignorance.
Such people believe that doubt is a sign of superiority,
But really, it is a sign of stupidity and inferiority.
Skepticism and doubt add presumptuousness to
It is better to do what needs
To be done without
Any attachment or expectation.
In your relationship with others,
Act simply and sincerely
With the right inner attitude
And quiet detachment.
Be natural.
Act naturally.
Is it your notion that
The Divine should manifest yogic power,
Materialize objects and
Work miracles?
It is spiritually useless
To practice this in one’s
Everyday life
Because it is not a spiritual force
Which gives the power
To do such things.
An empty feeling within
is not in itself a bad thing
unless it is a sad and restless emptiness
which is the result of unfulfilled
desires and attachments.
For those who tread the spiritual path
emptiness is very usually
a necessary transition from one state to another.
It is a healthy sign.
Human worldly activities
which people mistakenly call “living”,
leave an intolerable emptiness
in those who worship such activities.
Spiritual emptiness is the beginning of
peace and calmness and rest
for the eternal Self.
These eventually replace the physical inertia.
If you are in a habit
Of always blaming someone
For your action,
Examine yourself closely
Lest you are harbouring
A negative energy
Which tries to disrupt
The harmony around you.
Bliss has nothing to do with pleasure.
The very thing that is pleasurable to your senses
Ceases to give you pleasure
After some time and becomes
Intolerable if it persists.
Such are the states of worldly desires.
But Ananda is lasting when one contacts
The Truth of the being which holds this bliss,
This joy, permanently.
To experience
You must be prepared to renounce human pleasures,
For it is a state when ones becomes conscious of the
Divine Reality.
Human pleasures distract one
From the Divine Reality.
I want the Peace and Harmony to come to you.
I want you to be opened to Truth and Love,
I want you to see through the Maya (illusion) and be
Willing to destroy the Maya so that you can be truly
Be still and feel that
Divine Force quietly working
With you
And protecting you.
In Simplicity, Truth and Love
Can you be helped and
Turned easily towards the Divine.
Be responsible for your every action.
Never conceal your own weaknesses
By defending your EGO
And blaming others
For your actions.
Self-pity is another expression
Of one’s EGO.
Self-pity drains your energy.
And that of others around you.
Are you making all sorts of excuses to hide your fear?
Unless you can confront your fear, you will never be free
from it.
Fear paralyses.
Faith overcomes fear.
Truth liberates and
Love heals.
Fear often is the underlying cause of failure in one’s
abililty to surrender totally and sincerely to the Divine.
Fear has many faces. Insecurity, anger, confusion,
violence, aggression, inertia, stubbornness, lack of
confidence, low self-esteem, depression, appeasement,
inflexibility, greed, doubt and worry are some of the
numerous faces of fear.
Identify your own fear and work hard on casting it out.
One is only capable of TRUE LOVE.
And capable of recognising TRUE LOVE
Only when one is touched
By the Divine Mother’s Love.
The Divine Mother is
The True Manifestation
Of Unconditional Love.
If you are incapable of loving selflessly,
It is almost impossible for you
To recognise Divine Love.
Power without Love is very dangerous.
Power combined with Love brings forth
I am harmony.
If your heart has a place for me,
you shall have harmony.
Cultivate an inner harmony within yourself.
Work for harmony but never at the expense of Truth.
Worry and impatience tip harmony off the scale.
Therefore, leave no room for EGO.
Everyday people judge foolishly
And wrongly in ignorance.
They judge by conventional standards.
The majority of humans judge
By using their lower physical mind.
The lower physical mind is an instrument
Of ignorance and error,
Not of wisdom or Truth.
The ignorant, petty ego love to attack,
Hurt, harass, torment, criticize
Judge in ignorance,
Hate, be jealous, etc.
But it really has no right to do so
Because it has not the right attitude,
The right view or the right spirit to do so.
Only the dispassionate, detached, calm
And all-loving Spirit can judge
And see rightly the strength and weakness,
The Truth and the falsity in each being.
If you chose to keep to yourself,
It should be for reasons of discipline or inner work.
It should not be an escapism.
Neither should it be out of other selfish motives,
Nor out of a sense of superiority
Or contempt for others.
Your conduct should never be dictated
By any negative thoughts or resentment.
Waste not your time and energy on useless chatter.
It is not possible to be inward, quiet and calm
If your physical mind keeps chattering.
And jumping about like a monkey.
It is better to be a pebble serving the Divine
At the Kumaon Hills
Than a rich and famous person
In the eyes of this material world
And serving the senses.
Envy and jealousy of others
Distract you from your purpose.
They decrease your sense of Well-being,
Harmony and Balance.
Waste not your time and energy on useless chatter.
It is not possible to be inward, quiet and calm
If your physical mind keeps chattering.
And jumping about like a monkey.
It is better to be a pebble serving the Divine
At the Kumaon Hills
Than a rich and famous person
In the eyes of this material world
And serving the senses.
Envy and jealousy of others
Distract you from your purpose.
They decrease your sense of Well-being,
Harmony and Balance.
No one who is persistently
Full of EGO
Can see the Divine.
If you have to doubt,
Doubt your sceptical mind
Which cannot understand,
But do not doubt the Divine
That guides and sustains you.
I see devil worshippers
When I see people
Of various creeds
And churches surrender
Themselves to the devil
By crying out “anathema”.
The snowfields are
Shiva’s loud laughter at the world
And His leelas piled up
In the absolute whiteness
On the high mountain tops.
The howling winds are His sheer Joy
Which, when reflected,
Touches your heart,
Melts its coldness
And blows all your cares away.
Human pity is not compassion.
Compassion is of the Divine,
But human pity is born out of
Ignorance, weakness and ego.
Divine Compassion expresses from your heart.
It heals, it understands.
It discerns and it redeems.
Human pity is but a slave of emotional impressions
Expressing through the lower nature
Which is so often mistaken
As coming from the heart.
Beware of the nations and their leaders
Who talk about Peace, New World Order,
Compassion, Love, Caring and Sharing
While all the time,
Either overtly or occultly,
They express unjust intolerance,
They uphold double standards,
They hunger for power and control over the poor,
The hungry, the disadvantaged and the helpless.
Such dangerous ones speak of peace
But hunger for war.
They talk of Love but practice hate.
They talk of brotherly Love but behave like tyrants
And spread untruths to mislead the masses.
Many of this world have forgotten their Divine origin.
This dimension has become an arena of egoistic
The coming of Mahakali is very near.
She does not and cannot tolerate indifference,
Cowardice, insincerity, negligence, or any of the forms
of evilness or sloth in the Divine work.
She smites and awakens at once with tremendous pain,
if need be, the untimely slumberer and the loiterer.
She destroys filth and evilness.
So let the PURE FIRE burn steadily in PEACE.
Let it help you overcome your weakness.
And remember, compromise with evil is the door that
leads to spiritual decline and eventual spiritual death.
The signs of the time are here for all to see.
Prepare yourself inwardly.
Take refuge in the Divine.
Purify yourself and awaitdeliverance from this
horrifying Darkness.
The signal for the Maha Kranti (great revolution) has
been issued.
No one and nothing can stop it now.
Before long, all the bad elements, all evil will be
Then shall real Peace, Truth, Love and Purity prevail.
I am now completing the second half of my work.
Soon it shall be over
The New World is for the faithful children of the Divine.
All ugliness, impurities, ungodliness, falsehood, distortions,
injustices, sufferings and evilness will be a thing of the past.
The time of Liberation from Darkness is very close.
So be prepared,
Be flexible and
Expect the unexpected.
Beware of the nations and their leaders
Who talk about Peace, New World Order,
Compassion, Love, Caring and Sharing
While all the time,
Either overtly or occultly,
They express unjust intolerance,
They uphold double standards,
They hunger for power and control over the poor,
The hungry, the disadvantaged and the helpless.
Such dangerous ones speak of peace
But hunger for war.
They talk of Love but practice hate.
They talk of brotherly Love but behave like tyrants
And spread untruths to mislead the masses.
Many of this world have forgotten their Divine origin.
This dimension has become an arena of egoistic
The coming of Mahakali is very near.
She does not and cannot tolerate indifference,
Cowardice, insincerity, negligence, or any of the forms
of evilness or sloth in the Divine work.
She smites and awakens at once with tremendous pain,
if need be, the untimely slumberer and the loiterer.
She destroys filth and evilness.
So let the PURE FIRE burn steadily in PEACE.
Let it help you overcome your weakness.
And remember, compromise with evil is the door that
leads to spiritual decline and eventual spiritual death.
The signs of the time are here for all to see.
Prepare yourself inwardly.
Take refuge in the Divine.
Purify yourself and await
horrifying Darkness.
The signal for the Maha Kranti (great revolution) has
been issued.
No one and nothing can stop it now.
Before long, all the bad elements, all evil will be
Then shall real Peace, Truth, Love and Purity prevail.
I am now completing the second half of my work.
Soon it shall be over
The New World is for the faithful children of the Divine.
All ugliness, impurities, ungodliness, falsehood, distortions,
injustices, sufferings and evilness will be a thing of the past.
The time of Liberation from Darkness is very close.
So be prepared,
Be flexible and
Expect the unexpected.
Rejoice and be happy.
Be alert and not idle.
Be at peace within.
Live each day in Truth, Simplicity and Love.
Love to the Divine Mother.
Love to the Simple Father.
To all the faithful children
Of Mother-Father “God”, I say:
-- Regards
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